



Our Insights, Opinions and Observations on Timely Topics in the Senior Living Space

July 21, 2021
Senior couple smiling outside.

What is a CMS 5-Star Rating and Why Does It Matter?

We’re all familiar with 5-star restaurants and 5-star hotels. Having the stars makes it easy to rank various services and quickly decide which one is better. That’s part of the reason the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) came up with a star-quality rating system in 2008 to help rate skilled nursing and rehabilitation centers. This system allows seniors and their families to easily know where communities rank in comparison to each other and select the right one for their loved one. But what does a CMS 5-Star rating […]
July 12, 2021
a senior couple working out in a gym by lifting weights

Does Exercise Improve Memory?

First, a few sobering statistics. The World Health Organization says around 50 million people worldwide have dementia — a number that’s projected to reach 82 million in 2030 and 152 million by 2050. And though promising treatments are being investigated today, we can only hope for a cure in the coming decades. Right now, preventing memory loss and preserving brain health and brain function are the best course of action for older adults. Is there such a thing as a memory-boosting lifestyle? Does exercise and being physically active improve memory […]
July 5, 2021
William Albertin BW PB FVSH

We Are Friendship Village: William Albertin, Friendship Village Sunset Hills resident

Question: Is there something you do to help cheer yourself up if you’re feeling blue? Answer: “For me to cheer myself up, I like to keep in touch with my friends who are automotive guys and also just the friends I’ve made here at Friendship Village. I’ve been here a little over a year and it’s the best decision I’ve made. This is my home and I’m really fortunate these exist and I’m thriving here at Friendship Village. I remember visiting old folks homes when I was younger and they […]
June 24, 2021
a senior couple looking at senior apartment floor plan options

7 Things to Look For When Choosing a Senior Living Floor Plan

Depending on the community you choose, there may be a broader range of residence options available than you think. As you endeavor to distill a lifetime of possessions into the smaller footprint of a senior living floor plan, keep two things in mind. It can be done. And if done well, you may feel happier and freer than ever before. Here’s how to get started in the right direction. 1. How much space will you need? Most independent living communities offer multiple floor plan options designed for your lifestyle and […]
June 21, 2021
Black and White Phyllis Bouckaert We Are Friendship Village

We Are Friendship Village: Phyllis Bouckaert, Friendship Village Sunset Hills resident

Question: Is there something you like to think about to cheer yourself up when you’re feeling blue? Answer: “I like to think about the little ones in the family. What funny things they do! Like my great granddaughter…some of the stuff she tries to eat. She’s one and a half and has teeth, so she chewed right through a pencil and bit the eraser off the pencil, so we had to get that out of her mouth. And my great grandson is playing hockey. That’s a riot because they’re so […]
June 16, 2021
tips on helping your parent transition to assisted living in st. louis

8 Tips for Helping Your Parent Transition to Assisted Living

When the time comes that a parent can no longer continue to live safely at home, emotions may be running high. Medical conditions, growing fragility, loneliness, or an inability to care for oneself will force families to rethink the best living arrangement for their senior loved one. These can be intensely personal decisions. And though after the fact, transitioning to assisted living is usually considered a positive change, there can be many uncomfortable moments on the road to that outcome. For the older individual, this is a major life event, […]
June 15, 2021
Del Massey Black and White FVSH People Blog

We Are Friendship Village: Del Massey, Friendship Village Sunset Hills resident

Question: When you look back, what are some of the highlights of your life? Answer: “I was involved in music activities in high school in Liberty, MO and was asked to direct the school band in my senior year because our band director was drafted.” “A friend of mine was a member of a barbershop chorus and we formed a quartet. We often sang at retirement homes, one of which was Friendship Village! The highlight of my career was joining the Ambassadors of Harmony, an award-winning chorus of 160 men. […]
June 2, 2021
senior couple choosing an independent living community in st. louis

What to Look for When Choosing an Independent Living Community

For the sake of discussion, let’s imagine a retired couple. They are active and in good health. They can safely manage their personal care needs now, but they know a community offering on-site care will position them well for the future. They’d like to maintain their active lifestyle and even expand their social horizons. They’re looking for independent living within a continuing care retirement community. How should they go about choosing an independent living community? What questions should they ask? What is independent living? That’s a good question to start […]
June 1, 2021
Jane Crowe BW PB FVSH

We Are Friendship Village: Jane Crowe, Friendship Village Sunset Hills resident

Question: Is there something you like to think of first thing in the morning? Answer: “The first thing on my mind is ‘Don’t fall.’ Honestly, every day I think that. But, seriously, I am very lucky. And every day I wake up and I feel that every single day, I’m so lucky to be here (at Friendship Village). I ask myself ‘How did I end up here?’ Me being here was totally accidental. God was doing the puppet thing.” “My husband died and four months later I was diagnosed with […]

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