Give us this day our daily bread. - Matthew 6:11
In the Old Testament, the Israelites wandered through the wilderness for 40 years. Even so, God divinely cared for them. One way was by providing fresh “manna” which the people had to daily collect. They would use it to make bread, cakes, and various other foods. It became known as the “bread of Heaven.” The point is that they had to gather it every day. When we pray for daily bread, it reminds us of our daily need to look to the Lord for our sustenance. What we need to live and thrive comes from Him. In addition, Jesus told the crowd, “I am the Bread which comes down from Heaven.” Ultimately, He Himself is what we need to be nourished and fulfilled. Let’s choose to look to the Lord each and every day. We can trust Him to meet us where we are and to give us all that we need to make it through!