“I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the water of life.” - Revelation 21:6
We were made for eternity. God is determined to bring us all the way through until we experience the fullness of His presence in all its glory. He is the one who is from the beginning and who got us started in this journey…and He is the one already at the end cheering us toward the triumphant finish line. So, let’s stand strong and endure! Let’s turn to Him and find life, strength, and all we need to be refreshed by His Spirit. And if today has been really hard, then know tomorrow is a new day…and an amazing future awaits. Keep turning to Him as your source…you’ll make it through to the end with joy and gladness!
#godisgood #bibleverse #holyspirit #seniorliving #seniorcare #assistedliving #memorycare