Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. - Matthew 6:9
People have many different ways of referring to God. Some use the terms “Lord” or “Master.” Others reference Him as “King,” “the Almighty,” or “the Holy One.” A few might even simply say, “the Big Guy Upstairs.” There is a sense in which each of these terms is accurate and even appropriate in the right circumstance.
While teaching the crowd on the importance of prayer, Jesus tells us all to address God as “Father.” That word immediately shifts the conversation. It’s a personal word. It’s a relational word. It’s a word meant to help us see that God loves us deeply. Let’s embrace Him as the best Father ever, trusting in His provision and care. He’s God, but He’s not distant and aloof. He holds us close as our loving Heavenly Father. He is there for each of us!