“For He is the living God and He endures forever; His kingdom will not be destroyed, His dominion will never end.” - Daniel 6:26
Daniel was an official in the king’s court who was determined to honor God with his life. His refusal to acknowledge the king above God got him in trouble and he was thrown into a den of lions. Some might wonder what benefit was there for Daniel to serve God if he was going to suffer such harm. We need to remember that our current troubles, no matter how daunting, are never the end of the story. God never forsakes us when we need Him and we can count on Him to see us through. The Lord protected Daniel and the king came to his senses and declared that all people should worship God above. The Lord is present and active at all times. His kingdom is triumphant and will prevail! He stands with us even in the worst of times and will lead us through!