“Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters, even though they are strangers to you.” - 3 John 1:5
A real test of character is found when we consider how we treat people outside our circle of family and friends. All people are created in the image of God and are loved dearly by Him. When we offer loving care to those we encounter in life, we also reveal our love for God. In the end, when we are faithful to be kind and to give support to another person (regardless of who they are or whether we think they deserve it), we show ourselves to be noble of heart. While we were yet sinners, Christ gave His life for us. He is our model of loving kindness, and when we show others the same…we help them to know the love of God for themselves!
#godisgood #bibleverse #holyspirit #seniorliving #seniorcare #assistedliving #memorycare