Dear Friends, Residents and Families of Friendship Village:
It is another great day at Friendship Village on this, Wednesday, April 22, 2020.
Residents at all our levels of care, Independent Living, Assisted Living and in our skilled nursing facilities are doing well.
Even better, most of the generally small number of Residents from our Chesterfield skilled nursing facility’s COVID Care Center, who had previously tested positive, appear to be on the road to recovery! A couple of our Residents who we had sent for initial testing in very recent days have come back negative, which is a terrific sign. A small number who have been fighting the virus for several days in our well-staffed and managed COVID Care Center appear to be winning the battle and we anticipate releasing them back into the regular population by the end of the week. Still, the small number who are still in the first half of their fight are doing well, and we pray that they will be cleared for release by the end of April. Everyone is fighting this battle with everything they’ve got, from the Residents, themselves, to the laser-focused care teams who are supporting them in their recovery. It is a sight to behold.
The new Residents who have been moving into our recently-opened, new Independent Living buildings are beginning to emerge from their “14-day move-in quarantine” and enjoying the first real opportunity to explore their surroundings a bit. Good thing. It might be noticeable that a couple of pounds were gained from the food that they have been provided while in their apartments. Our Care Managers have given them a clean bill of health and off they go – with their masks, of course. We’re all very happy to see them!
Gift-Giving Now Open:
Many family members have inquired as to how to donate a gift of appreciation for the staff for their service during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our website at now has an easy-to-use tab to use in making contributions for the staff and we thank all of you for considering a gift. Over the weekend, families and others have contributed more than $1,100 to the Village staff that we will put to great use in showing your appreciation for the terrific work they are doing. Thank you all for your generosity.
As always, all of us thank you all for your continued prayers as we continually ask our Lord Jesus Christ to enable us to do our best to fend-off the COVID-19 coronavirus and to maintain the safety and protection of our Residents and staff.