48 hours until Vaccination Day, Thursday, January 21st! While all Skilled Nursing and Long-Term Care residents have already received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and are due for their second doses next Monday and Tuesday, January 25th and 26th, all other residents on both campuses, in Assisted Living and Independent Living, will receive their first dose on Thursday, January 21st. The atmosphere is electric and there is great excitement in the air over the blessings and opportunities this vaccination provides. Both Villages have received consent forms from approximately 98 percent of the campus population. Some of the remaining residents have either been vaccinated through some other avenues, were in the test program, or some other reason.
Reports of current confirmed cases of COVID-19 on the campuses are positive. As of today:
Sunset Hills
Both Villages remain under a No Visitor policy until both vaccinations are complete and have taken effect.
We are always thankful to our Lord for providing these wonderful opportunities for us and for our partners at Walgreens to help get it accomplished. Please pray with us that 2021 will be a year of relief and joy as we continue to fight this fight. The new year is already getting off to a great start!