Dear Friends, Residents and Families of Friendship Village:
Spring days don’t get any better than what Friendship Village is experiencing today, Tuesday, April 21, 2020.
We are happy to report that there isn’t much to report today! The Residents at all levels are doing well.
Those in the Chesterfield COVID Care Center continue to be well-cared-for by their expert clinical care teams, our Chaplains and our food service staff. We’ve got photos of smiles on their faces somewhere that we will share with their families (can’t share with anyone else due to HIPAA restrictions) but they seem to be doing as well as could be expected and we have been able to end their previous isolation, a condition for which all of us are very thankful.
Our Community Life Services teams are really mastering the new technologies we have adopted to engage Residents with entertainment, games, exercise classes, and other programming to keep everyone engaged, energized and busy. And our teams stand ready to assist Residents who have not yet mastered their own technologies in order to join in.
Our Independent Living Residents who answered the call to make washable face masks for both Villages, really met the challenge head-on. Our version of “Rosie the Riveter,” the ladies who sewed the masks and those who supported them by providing supplies, cutting fabric, and so on, produced more than 900 hand-made masks for use around the Villages for those in need. What an incredible feat of skill and generosity that is so common among our Residents.
Gift-Giving Now Open:
Many family members have inquired as to how to donate a gift of appreciation for the staff for their service during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our website at now has an easy-to-use tab to use in making contributions for the staff and we thank all of you for considering a gift. Over the weekend, families and others have contributed more than $1,100 to the Village staff that we will put to great use in showing your appreciation for the terrific work they are doing. Thank you all for your generosity.
As always, all of us thank you all for your continued prayers as we continually ask our Lord Jesus Christ to enable us to do our best to fend-off the COVID-19 coronavirus and to maintain the safety and protection of our Residents and staff.