Dear Friends, Residents and Families of Friendship Village:
We’ve all heard that “April showers bring May flowers.” That’s what we’re going for at Friendship Villages today, this wet Thursday, April 23, 2020.
There is very little to update from yesterday’s letter except to report that our COVID-19 Residents continue to make progress in their recovery as they look forward to graduating from our COVID Care Center and getting back to their normal accommodations. As of this time, no new cases have tested positive for the coronavirus and we are very thankful for that.
Gift-Giving in Appreciation of our Staff is Open on our website:
Many family members and Residents have inquired as to how to donate a gift of appreciation for the staff for their service during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our website at now has an easy-to-use tab to use in making contributions for the staff and we thank all of you for considering a gift. As funds are collected, we will identify the best use of those funds in order to do the most that can be done for our employees. Every gift is appreciated, large and small.
As always, all of us thank you all for your continued prayers as we continually ask our Lord Jesus Christ to enable us to do our best to fend off the COVID-19 coronavirus and to maintain the safety and protection of our Residents and staff.