Not a bad winter, so far, at Friendship Villages on this Friday, January 8th, 2021.
We have been blessed to be able to provide a positive report on our COVID-19 status on this day.
Sunset Hills
Both Villages remain under a No Visitor policy.
All are aware that many residents and staff of both Skilled Nursing Facilities received the first dose of the Moderna vaccine last week on December 28th at Sunset Hills and December 29th at Chesterfield. We have been very thankful for what our Lord has provided. 2nd doses for those individuals will be administered on January 25th and 26th.
We have confirmed with Walgreens that Assisted Living residents on both campuses will be administered on January 21st. Their 2nd shot will then be delivered on February 18th.
1st shot vaccinations are being confirmed with Walgreens for all remaining residents, including those in Independent Living, and we have very positive indications that it may be on January 21st as well, but this is not yet confirmed, nor official. We pray that this is confirmed very soon.
This is all very exciting for everyone on campus. All who wish to receive the vaccination must complete a consent form (available at any reception or concierge desk) in advance of the shot day. Many hundreds have already been received. If the 21st becomes the official day for the 1st shot, then February 18th would be the day for the 2nd shot.
We are very thankful for our partners at Walgreens. Please pray with us that 2021 will be a year of relief and joy as we continue to fight this fight. Happy New Year!