Scripture: The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters. - Psalm 29:3
The inexpressible roar of the Atlantic Ocean reverberates through my soul. I remember how my heart pounded as wave after wave rushed upon the rocks. I felt small and in awe of the majestic greatness of God, Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Today’s Scripture likens the voice of God to the sound of many waters. This amazing God ripped the veil of the temple top to bottom when Jesus died on the cross. He no longer dwells in temples made with human hands. He lives inside His people.
Psalm 29 goes on to say, “Everything inside His temple cries, Glory!” That means everything inside your spirit cries, Glory! Our bodies might decay day after day, but our spirits are continually renewed.
God’s voice thunders. Our hearts cry out, Glory!
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