“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” - 1 John 3:16
The love that God has for us is both sacrificial and unconditional. It is sacrificial because He is willing to do whatever is necessary in order to show His love for each one of us. His love is unconditional because there is nothing we have to do to prove that we are worthy to receive it. No matter who we are, the Lord loves us fully. As His love fills our lives, we are meant to give it away. When we give selflessly to others, His love not only helps them, it also transforms us! Let’s invite God’s love, through us, to make a real difference!
#godisgood #bibleverse #holyspirit #seniorliving #independentliving #assistedliving #memorycare #homehealthcare #friendshipvillage