“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” - Isaiah 1:18
In golf, they call it a “mulligan.” It’s a “do-over,” a second chance, the opportunity to try again. God is looking to give us all the chance to start fresh with Him. He is a holy God, and He does call us to live righteously before Him. Yet, He knows that we are human and prone to mistakes. So, He chooses to pay the penalty for our sins Himself; it’s why Jesus went to the cross. Out of His great love, the Lord invites us to start again with a clean slate as we repent of our wayward ways and ask Him for cleansing. His mercies are new every morning and each day brings a fresh outpouring of grace. Trust Him to help you do what is necessary and right today. He is the God of the second chance!
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