One week past the 1st dose of the Moderna vaccine for Assisted Living and Independent Living residents, all seems to be going well. The vast majority of reactions were minimal and on the order of the reaction from a typical flu shot. A very small number were anything more than that and those reactions have all now passed. The second dose clinic is scheduled for Thursday, February 18th.
Skilled Nursing and Long-Term Care residents and employees received the second dose of the Moderna vaccine only days ago and are now in the prescribed two-week immunity-building period. The majority of people receiving the second dose had low-level reactions while a few did experience some discomfort for a day or so but that has also now passed. A positive sign that the vaccine is doing its job.
Reports of current confirmed cases of COVID-19 on the campuses are positive. As of today:
Sunset Hills
Both Villages remain under a No Visitor policy until both vaccinations are complete and have taken effect.
We are always thankful to our Lord for providing these wonderful opportunities for us and for our partners at Walgreens to help get it accomplished. Please pray with us that 2021 will be a year of relief and joy as we continue to fight this fight. We are looking forward to a better year!
The next update will be provided on Friday, February 5th.