Our Insights, Opinions and Observations on Timely Topics in the Senior Living Space
February 6, 2020
Question: How did you get started with sports growing up? Answer: “I’m a people person and I like to do different things. A book is nice, but I need to do something more hands-on. My whole life, I’ve belonged to several different groups. My mother was quite social, so I may have gotten that personality trait from her. She always belonged to a number of different groups and did a lot of things. When I was in my house, I was in two different quilting guilds and now since I’ve […]
February 6, 2020
We’re so proud of the wonderful employees we honored at our Annual Employee Awards Ceremony! We had folks who were presented with awards for being with us for five years, ten years, twenty-five years and even thirty years! We gave special mentions to the four employees who were selected as employees of the quarter for 2019 AND our employee of the year Ross Mohesky (shown in the accompanying photo with Friendship Village Senior Services President and CEO Terry Walsh)! Special recognition was also given to our 2019 Safety Team and […]
February 5, 2020
Question: How did you get started with sports growing up? Answer: “Early on I played a lot of baseball and tennis. Growing up I played on two baseball teams since we didn’t have baseball through the school. From there I just kind of hung in there with sports. I watch sports as much as I can now. Having played, I enjoy watching it because I sit and think, ‘It would’ve been nice to continue on playing later down the line.’ One spring in 1948, we were down playing at the […]
February 4, 2020
Question: Some people like scary movies and like to be scared. Do you? Answer: “No. Absolutely not. There’s too many things in life that aren’t scary that I’d like to be involved in. I don’t like scary things. I don’t need ‘em.” – Pat Weber, resident Friendship Village Sunset Hills #WeAreFriendshipVillage #retirementcommunity #seniorliving #independentliving #assistedliving #memorycare #fvathome The text and photo above are part of a year-long project called We Are Friendship Village. We are gathering these photos and brief interviews for Friendship Village’s website’s blog section each day as […]
February 4, 2020
We were so excited to give a sneak peek for our residents February 3rd at our new Memory Care Neighborhood at Friendship Village Sunset Hills Assisted Living & Memory Care! This first look showcased the new dining areas, common areas, new Assisted Living apartments, grounds and more! The new addition is slated to open with new residents moving in some time March 2020 (pending a few remaining inspections) and we’re thrilled to have our new friends make their home with us! Click below to see a video showing more! And […]
February 3, 2020
Question: How would you describe yourself and why? Answer: “I like to think I’m a friendly person. My mother yelled a lot when I was growing up and my dad worked six days a week, so he wasn’t around much. Because of that, I have always had a strong desire to be different than how I was brought up. My friends had families that would go and do things and I always have had a desire and wanted that also. I’m a social person. I like to talk to people […]
February 2, 2020
Question: What is your favorite thing to do? Answer: “My favorite thing is to play pool. It’s a good hobby. It keeps my mind concentrated. I used to play pool a long time ago when I was working, but I’m happy I’m playing now (at Friendship Village). And I really like working on puzzles, too. It keeps my mind concentrated.” – Ron Hrin, resident, Friendship Village Sunset Hills #WeAreFriendshipVillage #retirementcommunity #seniorliving #independentliving #assistedliving #memorycare #fvathome The text and photo above are part of a year-long project called We Are Friendship […]
February 1, 2020
Question: What made you want to get involved with the Humane Society? Answer: “My husband and I had Basset Hounds that we’d truck around from place to place with the kids as we moved, and I never had animals growing up. Obviously, we started with the animals in adulthood with the kids and that was I think what drew me to want to do more. I’m not sure exactly how it happened, but initially my intent was to go and walk the dogs and play with the cats, like most […]
January 31, 2020
Question: Do you have a scary memory from when you were younger? Answer: “My whole childhood was pretty scary. I was born into a family with fourteen siblings, so I got pretty rough treatment. But I learned to live with it and I survived my childhood. If you have some rough knocks, if you get used to it, it’s not so bad. It gives you some perspective.” – Mike Cowan, resident Friendship Village Sunset Hills #WeAreFriendshipVillage #seniorliving #retirementcommunity #FVatHome #assistedliving #MemoryCare The above photo and text are part of a […]

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