



Our Insights, Opinions and Observations on Timely Topics in the Senior Living Space

February 14, 2020
Carol Gillam Black and White

We Are Friendship Village: Carol Gillam, resident Friendship Village Chesterfield

Question: What would you say your number one passion in life is now? Answer: “We’re very active in Christ and with the church. I’m very much into the Bible. I do Bible Study about three times per week here at the village. I’d say that’s my number one passion…always has been. Right now, we’re on the book of Acts, which I’m excited about. We’ve passed over Acts for a while so I’m excited to learn about it. But in addition to Bible Study, one of the seminary professors from Covenant […]
February 13, 2020

We Are Friendship Village: Tom Diederich, resident Friendship Village Sunset Hills

Question: What was your favorite thing to do when you were a boy? Answer: “I had three older sisters and my favorite thing to do was pull tricks on them. My father died when I was five and I was the youngest baby, so my sisters took care of me, but I liked to pull stuff on them all the time. I’d lock the door, so they couldn’t come in. Little stuff like that. And then they’d get me back. One time my sisters put my hair up in curlers […]
February 12, 2020
Dorie Reed FVC Black and White

We Are Friendship Village: Dorie Reed, resident Friendship Village Chesterfield

Question: Tell me about the different ways in which art has impacted you? Answer: “I won a scholarship to Webster College to major in music and I’ve studied piano from the time I was eight. I taught piano after I graduated from college and that was fun. I really enjoyed bringing this talent out of them and they weren’t all marvelous but there were enough of them that really felt it and you knew they were going to love it. I played a lot of piano here at the Village […]
February 11, 2020
Paula Purcell FVSH ALMC People Blog Black and White

We Are Friendship Village: Paula Purcell, resident Friendship Village Sunset Hills

Question: If you could give young people some advice, what would it be? Answer: “I’d say, believe in God. I’d say, be generous and be truthful. My faith has made me unafraid to try new things. For instance, when I was a child, I was sent to an art museum on a scholarship to learn to draw. I used to sketch portraits of people and that took some courage and confidence. I worked at a bank and they wanted me to do sketches to attract patrons to open an account. […]
February 10, 2020
Elmer Weinrich FVC Black and White

We Are Friendship Village: Elmer Weinrich, resident Friendship Village Chesterfield

Question: How did you get involved with Philanthropy in the Chesterfield area? Answer: “I liked to be involved helping the blind and deaf, and I enjoyed watching the kids play ball. I’ve been involved with the Lions Club since 1962 and I do mostly eyeglasses now for the district and the club. Last year we collected over 65,000 pair to send to Jefferson City so they could be cleaned, packaged, and sent all over the world. I got involved in the Lions Club because a guy asked me to join […]
February 9, 2020
Gene Niederschmidt People Blog FVSH Black and White

We Are Friendship Village: Gene Niederschmidt, resident Friendship Village Sunset Hills

Question: When you were younger, do you have a talent you were really good at? Answer: “I was a photographer. And I carried that on in the military. I was in an aerial photography unit and I traveled all around the world as a photographer. That was my life. I also did weddings. I did so many weddings. I was shooting weddings to support my income for about twenty years. It was a good bit of money. My favorite thing was portraits of children. I did that, too.” – Gene […]
February 8, 2020
Frances Leimkuehler FVC Black and White

We Are Friendship Village: Frances Leimkuehler, resident Friendship Village Chesterfield

Question: How did you come to realize what you wanted to do in your career? Answer: “When I graduated from Brown, I went to work for the Saint Louis Public Library and it was very mentally stimulating, but not physically. I attended a National Women’s Lacrosse meet my senior year in college and it was the most beautiful game I had ever seen. I realized that’s what I wanted to do. So, I went to Washington University and got my master’s in health and physical education because it had movement […]
February 7, 2020
Tony Snyder People Blog FVSH Black and White

We Are Friendship Village: Tony Snyder, resident Friendship Village Sunset Hills

Question: If you could give young people a piece of advice, what would it be? Answer: “Don’t eat too much. My longevity is probably because my wife wouldn’t let me have as much salt as I wanted. She’s a very good cook. She helps me watch what I eat. Some people eat lots of salt and too many sweets. Many many young people eat fast food with all the salt and just look at the obesity.” – Tony Snyder, resident Friendship Village Sunset Hills #WeAreFriendshipVillage #retirementcommunity #seniorliving #independentliving #assistedliving #memorycare […]
February 7, 2020
social snip

Study finds Seniors With Active Social Life May Live Longer!

Below is a great read about how being part of an active senior living community brings so much to daily life and may help you live longer! We live and breathe this every day at our retirement communities at Friendship Village, so it’s always nice to see when good ideas are reinforced with good stories! Click on the link below to take a look! stories!

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