



Our Insights, Opinions and Observations on Timely Topics in the Senior Living Space

November 12, 2020
Bob Connor BW ZZ

We Are Friendship Village: Bob Connor, resident Friendship Village Chesterfield

Question: Why did you travel to Colorado so often and what did you enjoy about it? Answer: My wife had an excellent position where she traveled a lot and I got to travel with her, so it was her work and my vacation. It was usually Pueblo in Colorado, which was her place of operation, so we would always travel within one to two hundred miles of there. She would have to visit clientele, so I’d rent the cheapest car I could find and take off. I went to the […]
November 11, 2020
Joan Snyder BW SN FVSH People Blog We Are Friendship Village

We Are Friendship Village: Joan Snyder, resident Friendship Village Sunset Hills

Question: When you were younger, what was something you really wanted to do? Answer: I always wanted to act and be in plays. Fortunately, my husband received a job offer in Omaha and I found the wonderful Omaha Community Playhouse. I received a part in the first play I tried out for. When asked what play I most enjoyed, I would say, probably playing Portia in “Julius Caesar.” In live theater, no two nights are quite the same. In one instance, I was on stage alone and the character who […]
November 10, 2020
Carolyn Heaton Black and White

We Are Friendship Village: Carolyn Heaton, resident Friendship Village Chesterfield

Question: What has been a big part of your life in the past? Answer: “Travel has been a big part of my life and we didn’t really figure out we liked to travel until my husband Bill’s time in the service out in California. When the time came for him to be relieved of the service we had to decide if we wanted to go home or travel for our vacation time. I love travel because you get to see how the rest of the world lives. I find it […]
November 6, 2020
Joyce Brockhaus BW PB FVSH

We Are Friendship Village: Joyce Brockhaus, resident Friendship Village Sunset Hills

Question: What is something that’s been important in your life? Answer: “Once thing has been the way I grew up. When I was born, my father was in the U.S. Air Force, so throughout my life, we traveled, and every two years we moved. So, we lived in twelve different homes growing up and I went to eight different schools (three different high schools). My life was pretty different in that sense. But travelling has been part of my life forever. So, I traveled a lot with my family growing […]
November 5, 2020
Joe Conway Black and White

We Are Friendship Village: Joe Conway, resident Friendship Village Chesterfield

Question: “What is a subject you care about and why?” Answer: “I care about history. It’s important because it’s where we all come from. It wasn’t as important to me when I was younger, but I’ve grown to be very interested in it. My favorite history area is World War 2, and recently I’ve been reading “Races of Aces” by John Bruning. It’s interesting and very informative. It talks about the Pacific theater and how the Japanese zero airplane wasn’t fast enough to keep up with the American’s mustang. When […]
November 3, 2020
Gerry Zeller BW PB FVSH

We Are Friendship Village: Geraldine “Gerry” Zeller, resident Friendship Village Sunset Hills

Question: Tell me about a hobby you have that people may not know about. Answer: “I enjoy video editing and I’ve been working on it ever since I’ve had my Apple computer. I just enjoy doing it and I use it to record where we’ve been to travelling. I’ve done videos mostly of England, more than anywhere else. We’ve been to every continent, except Antarctica. And also I do family videos of when each of the grand kids turned sixteen, I did sweet sixteen videos for every one of them. […]
November 2, 2020
Marilyn Mertz Black and White

We Are Friendship Village: Marilyn Mertz, resident Friendship Village Chesterfield

Question: What is something you do that has been at the forefront of your life? Answer: “Sewing has been a big part of my life. I learned it from my grandmother and my mother. My grandmother would let me inch up to the sewing machine and sew my doll clothes and that’s what got me into it. I sewed my own clothes, I sewed my husband’s clothes, as well as my children and grandchildren. All our clothes were hand-made and my kids didn’t even know what store-bought clothes were! It […]
October 30, 2020

We Are Friendship Village: Ken Lemp, resident Friendship Village Sunset Hills

Question: How did you meet your wife? Answer: “I met my wife Marian on a blind date when I was home visiting from the Army. We went to a wedding where we knew no one. We ended up dancing all night. After the reception, we got a ride with someone who had too much to drink, but we didn’t know that at the time. He got pulled over and taken to the police station, so we had to go to the police station, too. Fortunately, Marian only lived thre blocks […]
October 29, 2020
Bill Heaton Black and White

We Are Friendship Village: Bill Heaton, resident Friendship Village Chesterfield

Question: You had an interesting career in the service industry. Can you talk a little bit about that? Answer: “I worked with the Statistical Tabulating Corporation, who had their home office in Chicago and had a branch here in St. Louis downtown on Locust. I lived in Overland so I remember riding the Creve Coeur street car through University City to connect with the Delmar Loop and take that downtown to Broadway to get to the office. I worked a lot with the punch card system at Stat-Tabs. You could […]

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