“He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake.” - Psalm 23:-3b
Any smart phone today can give us directions to where we want to go. If we veer from the route, it will recalculate and show us how to get back on track. The Lord is looking to lead us down the right paths; are we willing to follow? The good news is that if we wander off the path, He will always work to steer us to the right again. On this journey through life, sometimes we take a misstep. Sometimes obstacles are thrown in our way. But there is always a way forward if we turn our eyes to Lord and let Him lead us. Do you feel lost? Are you surrounded by hardships and difficulties? Father God will never leave us, and He will restore our footing as we look to Him. The right path isn’t always easy…but the Good Shepherd will always guide us safely through.